Thursday, December 1, 2016

Important Hydration Tips for Hikers

Vikram “Vik” Uppal co-founded San Francisco’s Aid India in 2002 and continues to manage the charity’s fundraising and event coordination efforts. When he is not helping to raise funds for basic goods and housing and medicine needs in India, Vikram Uppal enjoys staying active through hiking.

Hiking can provide individuals with varying degrees of physical activity, from a leisurely stroll in a local forest to an intensive trek through a national park. Regardless of the difficulty rating associated with a hike, individuals should always remember to stay hydrated before, during, and after a trip.

Proper hydration begins prior to leaving. Shortly before the hike, individuals should drink two eight-ounce cups of water, juice, or a trusted sports drink. Hikers should refrain from drinking caffeinated products, including coffee and soda, as well as alcohol, as these liquids actually promote fluid loss and dehydration.

Once the hike begins, it is important to remember that each individual will require different amounts of fluid throughout the day. The need for liquids may relate to a person’s body type, weather conditions, and a number of other influencing factors. About one quart of fluid every hour is a good rule of thumb.

While every hiker should pack an ample supply of water, individuals must remember that a few sips from an electrolyte-charged sports drink can help maintain energy levels during a tough section of trail.

Finally, no matter how effective a person is when it comes to hydrating on the trail, all hikers return home with less fluids in their body than they left with. Just like stretching before and after a run, hikers must remember to rehydrate at the end of every trip.